Symptoms For Miss Period - Start period with Solution

 Some common sign of early pregnancy mood swings, Period Miss, increased desire to sleep, change in the color of the nipples, Nausea with or without vomiting Etc. 

My name Dr. Sophia (Gynecologist).I have 7 years experience. I can help you in case of some problems occurring during the time of relationship, which you still cannot handle or you already have children or you are not married.

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Today we will know some things about pregnancy sign so that we can know whether we are pregnant or not.

  1. mood swings - During pregnancy, there is a lot of mood swings, it is not your fault, some chemicals start releasing more in the brain. Mood swings are mostly experienced during the first trimester between 6 to 10 weeks and then again in the third trimester as your body prepares for birth.
Mood Swings During Pregnancy
Mood Swings During Pregnancy

2. Miss Period - You will miss your next period 4 weeks after conception. If you regularly have irregular periods, you should take a pregnancy test to confirm. Most home tests can detect hCG after 8 days of missing a period.

Miss Period Sign Of Pregnancy
Miss Period Sign Of Pregnancy

3. Increased desire to sleep - the most comment fact is Sleep will be indispensable for you. You can blame it on your changing hormones, especially the extra progesterone that comes with pregnancy. In early pregnancy, blood pressure and blood sugar drop, which can make you feel tired.

Increased desire to sleep in Pregnancy
Increased desire to sleep in Pregnancy

4. Change in the color of the nipples - Color also changes during pregnancy. The nipples and the skin that surrounds them become darker as a result of hormones affecting skin pigmentation. The veins in the breast may also become more prominent as the blood supply to the breast increases.

Change in the color of the nipples
Change in the color of the nipples

5. Nausea with or without vomiting - Ulti is a system of pregnancy, there are ways to avoid it.

You often experience nausea or vomiting, which is harmless in most cases, but both can seriously affect your daily life. The following three actions will help:

  1. Eat several small meals throughout the day instead of a few large meals. On the one hand, it is easy to get sick, on the other hand, the symptoms are often worse. You should avoid spicy, very creamy and acidic foods. Having a light breakfast before waking up often helps. Keep rusks, dry biscuits, or periscal sticks within easy reach of the bed. If you notice that your stomach is flat, you can hold it at night.
  2. Drink enough However, it is better to avoid very cold and carbonated drinks. You must be careful as acidic fruits can cause heartburn.
  3. Avoid stinky smells for now. For example, use unscented soaps and detergents and temporarily avoid perfume.
Nausea with or without vomiting
Nausea with or without vomiting

First week symptoms: When to take pregnancy test?

The test should be done if menstruation has failed and may be repeated after 7 days, trying to follow the instructions correctly. Other tests that may be done in case of suspicious symptoms in the first weeks of pregnancy include:

1.Hormonal dosage

2.blood analysis

3.Pelvic ultrasound.

4.Morphological ultrasound in pregnancy

Do these symptoms always indicate pregnancy?

Some of the manifestations listed as symptoms of the first weeks of pregnancy may be due to other reasons. However, if the various disorders are associated with specific organic signs (such as breast tenderness, increased uterine volume, etc.), the diagnosis of pregnancy is practically unambiguous.

Pregnancy symptoms before missed period
Pregnancy symptoms before missed period


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